Our waitlist is OPEN for:
-children ages 3-7
-speech sound disorders
-late talkers
-language impairment
-AAC users
-We are not treating feeding, stuttering, or literacy at this time.
Child must be able to attend therapy in the morning or early afternoon. After school is NOT available.
We focus on family being able to teach their child the skills at home. Therefore, a primary caregiver must attend majority of appointments with your child.
Call to get on the waitlist 541-690-8037
Dear medical providers: Please have your patient's parent/guardian call to get on our waitlist. We love your referrals but we get a lot of referrals that don't actually want therapy. We will only add children to our waitlist if we have spoken to the family. Thank you for understanding.
Learn more about what we do
Speech Sounds
A child may have delayed speech if they have not developed the sounds below by the end of each given age (just before their next birthday). A child may also develop sounds that they produce in atypical ways such as a lisp. If you have concerns, contact me for an articulation evaluation or screening.
If your child is having difficulty understanding others or following directions, they may have a receptive language delay. They may have an expressive language delay if they use fewer words, shorter sentences, or have a harder time describing and explaining than other children their age. They may not use correct pronouns, or verb tenses. Children with language delays often have a hard time learning to read because it's hard to read words that they don't understand. Some children may not speak at all or will only use phrases that they've heard before. Some children may need visual supports to help them speak (AAC). If you have concerns, contact me for a language evaluation or screening.
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
For some children, spoken words can be very difficult or even impossible. There are many ways to speak besides using your mouth! Even a child using spoken words but with significant language delay, speech disorders, echolalia, or autism can benefit from using visual supports. Visuals supports stimulate more verbal language! AAC evaluations, treatment, and family coaching available.
About Me
I have experience in treating speech sound disorders, language delays and disorders, cognitive impairment, autism, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). It is my passion to make sure that every child has a voice!
2621 Whittle Ave. Suite #4
Medford, OR